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Аватар Мари-Леди

Female ways of search of the friend of a life

Категория:  Статьи на других языках  | Автор:  Мари-Леди | Опубликовано: 20.01.2010
To find in a life of the friend each girl aspires. Why the girl? Because, as a rule, this question is actual first of all for young girls. However if to tell about it in a more comprehensive sense words, undoubtedly, the problem is fair for many women. Basically, to find the man for any woman will not make special work. But all the matter is that is a question not simply of the man, and about the friend. Many women require the friend with whom it is possible to go on a life on which can rely to which can give all love. But to meet such man, unfortunately, for many women it is represented possibility enough difficult. This it is caused by many factors: character, education level, own outlook and many other things, as a rule, individual for each woman.
Also one of the major factors influencing possibility to find the friend of a life, the factor of degradation of the man's population amplifying against non-uniform distribution of the population to sexual signs is. At present time, statistically, the quantity of women exceeds quantity of men. However, speech in article will go not about the statistican, and about what methods women use to find the friend. Whether it is necessary to use similar methods, to solve, of course, to the woman as one it and only she, has the right to create the life and to reap its results.
The modern world differs free customs. Using the given possibility, the considerable quantity of women suffices try to solve a problem of search of the friend the methods directed on biological weaknesses of the person. Undoubtedly, given method is one of effective, but whether it helps to reach a main objective – search of the friend, a question disputable. Thus to a course there is the most refined weapon: immorality and forwardness display, attachment display to bad habits and the other elements which purpose of use, attraction of man's attention is.
For some reason one of the most effective methods and the most qualitative which use, by all means, comes to the end with success, is forgotten today by women absolutely. As a rule, the given method always was applied and applied, is exclusive at subconscious level of a female organism. Nevertheless, any woman can always apply it and in any case, it is necessary to want it. The given method is absolutely simple and consists that the woman, should remain the woman.
Coming back to the first method of attraction of men, it is possible to ascertain with confidence that the women resorting to the given method, deeply are mistaken, if think that, thus, they really approach the man to themselves. Here the situation can be compared to game in dolls. Has played, has bothered, has thrown. The second method, from the given point of view, much more effectively as if more close to get acquainted with a man's internal essence, it is possible to note, irrespective of an external image of men, huge aspiration of the last to female cleanliness, morals, caress and love. And it not statements of the author, is laws of the nature which the person began to break also often, as well as the laws created by him.

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